Hope from a Chick

Happy Spring! The Urban Fresh Gardens Newsletter


May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.

-Romans 15:13 (NIV)

Happy Spring!

There’s a lot to be hopeful for in this season: the leaves are coming back. Is it a coincidence that Easter and Resurrection Sunday all happen in springtime? We don’t think so.

In the spring, seeds long forgotten

Buried snug in Earth’s belly 

Pop out to surprise us and

Naked trees find their leaves.

For creation is telling a story,

to those who will  listen,

That a Greater Spring is coming

When even those who sleep will hear the voice of the King.


Hope from a Chick

Chick with splayed leg

This little chick was born with a splayed leg (the toes on its right leg are bent under). It’s heartbreaking to watch it trying to walk and interact like the other chicks. Yet, it keeps trying. In this picture, after struggling for a while, it was able to stabilize itself. What are you hoping for this season? Keep trying. Take courage. Be inspired by this chick and these tulips that we buried last year that have come back to life!

The tulips have sprung!

On the Farm

Because of the cold season, we worked mostly indoors for the past 5 months. The mentees have been setting up lighting and installing reflective materials on the walls of the indoor growing space, starting seedlings for outdoor growing, planting microgreens, learning hydroponics, and building raised beds in the large greenhouse on Hill Street.

Building raised beds

Installing reflective paper on the walls of the indoor growing space

Podcast - A New Episode

We feature Part 2 of an interview with Marshalee Loerch, former missionary to Ethiopia, in the latest podcast. Catch up on the episode here: https://theurbanlp.alitu.com/episode/9015baf7-31be-4bc7-85c4-d667f0447b92

Keep in Touch

We’d love to hear from you, if you’re viewing this newsletter on your computer (rather than a mobile phone), please drop us a line in the “Comments” section. That area is usually at the bottom of the page. If you’re too shy to do that, please check us out online at the links below.

Find our website, Instagram, newsletter, and podcast on the Internet:

Instagram: urbanfreshgardens_ufg


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